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Les aides à l'achat d'un vélo électrique : 2024 - Elwing

Aid for purchasing an electric bike: 2024

, by ISAURE DUCROS, 4 min reading time

Good news ! Aid for purchasing an electric bike will be maintained in 2024 and extended to used bikes 🙌

If you buy a classic bicycle or an electrically assisted bicycle, you can, under certain conditions, benefit from state aid. What are the conditions of this aid? What steps do you need to follow to obtain it? We will explain everything to you !

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Who can benefit from the bicycle bonus?

  • THE natural persons of legal age , domiciled in France, having a reference tax income per share less than or equal to 14,089 
  • THE people with disabilities holders of proof of their situation. This concerns people with disabilities, that is to say, people who benefit from one or more of the following aid: disabled adult allowance (AAH), disability compensation benefit (PCH), increase for life independent (MVA), education allowance for disabled children (AEEH), or are holders of the mobility inclusion card with the mention “disability”, or of the disability card, or of a military disability card .

Which bikes are eligible for this bonus?

The purchased bicycle must meet the following characteristics:

  • be new or used. Used bikes must be purchased from a professional seller to be eligible. They cannot be purchased from an individual
  • do not use lead acid battery
  • be a pedal-assisted cycle within the meaning of article R.311-1 of the highway code (cycle equipped with an electric auxiliary motor with a maximum continuous power rating of 0.25 kilowatt, the power of which is gradually reduced and finally interrupted when the vehicle reaches a speed of 25 km/h, or earlier if the cyclist stop pedaling)
  • Or a classic cycle (without electrical assistance), provided that your reference tax income per share is less than or equal to €6,358 or if you are a person with a disability,
  • Or A folding electric bike, cargo, recumbent, adapted to a handicap situation,
  • or a traditional folding, cargo, recumbent bicycle, adapted to a handicap situation,
  • or an electric trailer,
  • not be transferred by the purchaser in the year following its acquisition ,
  • have a unique identifier, written on its frame. This marking is mandatory.

To know

  • A natural person can only benefit from this aid once .
  • The bike bonus can be combined with the conversion bonus as well as with other aid from local authorities , if applicable.
  • Obtaining this aid is no longer conditional on first obtaining local aid.

How much is the bike bonus?

  • €150 if the bike without assisted pedaling is acquired by an individual whose reference tax income per unit is less than or equal to €6,358 or by a person with a disability.
  • 300  if the bike with assisted pedaling is acquired by an individual whose reference tax income per unit is less than or equal to €14,089.
  • €400 if the bike with assisted pedaling is acquired by an individual whose reference tax income per unit is less than or equal to €6,358 or by a person with a disability.
  • €2,000 for cycles designed to allow the transport of people or goods behind or in front of the driver or to meet the needs of people with disabilities, for folding cycles ( with or without assisted pedaling ) and for electric trailers for cycles and if the vehicle is acquired by a natural person whose reference tax income per share is less than or equal to €6,358 or by a person with a disability.
  • €1,000 for cycles designed to allow the transport of people or goods behind or in front of the driver or to meet the needs of people with disabilities, for folding cycles ( with or without assisted pedaling ) and for electric trailers for cycles and if the vehicle is acquired by a natural person whose reference tax income per unit is less than or equal to €14,089 or by a legal entity.

How to get the bike bonus?

The request must be made within six months of acquiring the bike. It must be submitted online, on the dedicated site.

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source: https://www.economie.gouv.fr/particuliers/prime-velo-electrique#

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