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Comment fonctionne un skate électrique ? - Elwing

How does an electric skateboard work?

, by ISAURE DUCROS, 4 min reading time

The concept of electric skateboarding, which emerged in the 2000s, is to combine the traditional skateboard design by adding an electric motor, allowing the rider to propel themselves without needing to push with their foot.

The history of electric skateboarding, also called electric skateboarding or e-skate, is a recent development in technology and board sports.

Here's a quick overview of the evolution of electric skateboarding in recent years.

The first attempts to motorize skateboards date back to the 1970s. These early models were rudimentary, often cobbled together by amateurs using small motors and lead-acid batteries, which made them heavy and impractical.

In the 1990s - 2000s, with the advancement of battery and electric motor technology, including the move to nickel-cadmium (NiCd) batteries and then lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, electric skateboards became more lighter, more efficient and more reliable. However, they remained relatively expensive and niche.

2010 marked a turning point in the history of electric skateboarding. The decline in component costs, coupled with improvements in battery technology, has enabled the emergence of products that are efficient, affordable and lightweight. Brands like Boosted Boards have played a crucial role in popularizing these devices, by offering electric skateboards with advanced technical features and high manufacturing quality.

The development of more sophisticated control systems, such as wireless remote controls and mobile apps, has also helped make electric skateboards more attractive and easier to use for a wider audience.

It is in this context that Elwing emerged in 2014, with the mission of bringing the benefits and pleasure of board sports to everyday urban travel.

Electric skateboard technology continues to evolve, with research focused on improving battery life, reducing weight, increasing power, and incorporating new features like GPS and anti-kick systems. collision. The trend towards eco-mobility and the search for sustainable alternative means of transport suggests a promising future for electric skateboarding.

In conclusion, the history of electric skateboarding is one of constant progression marked by technological innovations that transformed a niche concept into a popular and constantly evolving means of transportation and leisure.

How does an electric skateboard work?

An electric skateboard works thanks to the integration of an electric motor, a battery, and often an electronic control system. Here is an overview of how it works:

Electric Motor: The motor is the key element that propels the skateboard. It can be located under the board or integrated into one or more wheels (hub motors). The motor transforms the electrical energy of the battery into mechanical energy, thus driving the movement of the skateboard.

Battery: The battery stores the electrical energy necessary to operate the engine. The capacity of the battery directly influences the autonomy of the electric skateboard, that is to say the distance you can travel on a single charge. Lithium-ion batteries are commonly used due to their high energy-to-weight ratio, ability to be recharged many times, and ability to deliver high power.

Control system: The electric skateboard is equipped with an electronic control system that manages the power sent to the motor. This system makes it possible to regulate the speed of the skateboard and ensure its safety. The skateboarder usually controls the skateboard via a wireless remote control which allows acceleration and braking. Some models can also be controlled by body movement or via a mobile app.

Remote Control: The wireless remote control is a crucial part of most electric skateboards. It allows the skateboarder to control the speed of the skateboard, accelerate, brake, and sometimes even change the direction of travel. Communication between the remote control and the skateboard is usually done via Bluetooth.

Wheels and board: Although motorized, the wheels must be designed to provide good grip and allow stable driving. The board, for its part, must be strong enough to support the weight of the skateboarder while integrating the electronic components and the battery.

Braking system: Electric skateboards often have a regenerative braking system. This system slows down the skateboard by using the motor as a generator, thus converting part of the kinetic energy into electrical energy which is then stored in the battery. This type of braking also helps increase the autonomy of the skateboard.

In summary, the operation of an electric skateboard relies on the conversion of electrical energy stored in the battery into mechanical energy by the motor, under the control of the skateboarder via a remote control or other control system, to propel and steer the skateboard.

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